I was one of these people, an artist with a love of visuals and also loved my gear. But over time I was increasingly agonized by a thorn in my side. I loved my gear, when it was assembled, and working. Yet I found myself wanting; there had to be more. When stored the gear was like a bastard child– ignored, forgotten. Only when it was assembled did it get the respect it deserved.
Jason Cases was born out of a desire to experience and enjoy my tools every second of the day instead of being limited only to the times it was out and working. Cases were designed to store and protect. I came to believe that cases should be designed to display and protect. And so I set about creating my own style and design for equipment cases. Inspiration came from many places, but mainly overseas, where a love of consistent beauty was evident in everything they did.
Anyone that works in film and television on an independent level will tell you that a lot of cred comes from your equipment package. It shouldn’t, but it does. Poorly packed gear in “pick and pluck” cases is much like picking up your first date in an old Chevy loaded with fast food wrappers… She might get in the car, but you can bet that’s all she’ll be doing. I wanted to create the “Porsche” of cases. Sleek, clean, unique, and a sense of design that not only protects your gear in the best possible way, but displays the gear in the best possible way. Yes… Even disassembled. I don’t want her to simply “like your car” I want her to be yours the second you open the door.
This desire is embedded into the core of Jason Cases. It is simply “Good enough…. isn’t” Your cases now become your business card. They establish credibility and a singularity that no one else enjoys. Whenever I open the lid of one of my cases, I almost always hear “whoa, where did you get that?” It’s music to my ears… It will be to yours as well.

Jason Comparetto
Lead Designer
With a lifetime background in visual arts, Jason brings the essence of proper gear storage to life.

Stephen Roldan
Production Manager
The ability to think beyond what's expected has come to be the usual expectation with Stephen.

Jonathan Pereira
Production Assistant
Thinking well ahead of the curve makes Jonathan the ideal resource to unite customers and their gear together in harmony.

Michael Bucci
Production Ninja
Having keen eyes for detail in a company built upon perfection makes Bucci an asset at every turn.

Jefferey Edick
Full Stack Developer
Developing state-of-the-art systems for our most critical operations.

Jose Guido
Lead Technician
Mastering a deep understanding of laser theory, Jose is advancing the most efficient workflows.

TJ Carter
Industrial Designer
While few gifted designers truly know how to push the limits, TJ displays no bounds and uses every bit of raw talent to deliver.

Kevin Swain
Warehouse Manager
Maintaining a healthy work culture, organizing, and handling the entire logistics chain.

Carmen Fonseca
Production Assistant
An extensive background in fabrication ensures that Carmen generates amazing output every time.

Lynnwood Ray
Full Stack Developer
Thinking outside-the-box to solve problems we didn't know we had with cutting edge technologies.

Marybeth Riggan
Production Assistant
Dedication to a job well done provides Marybeth with the ability to create some of the finest products the world has ever seen.

Dorcas Lewis
Production Assistant
An unmatched level of focus carries Dorcas through the most demanding product assembly challenges.

Sarah Heck
Graphic Design and Marketing
Perfection is an innate quality for the few that have been selected to drive it.